Friday 7 March 2014

Kelly Smith

I absolutely love Kelly Smith's work she uses a 
wide variety of both different techniques and 
materials when creating her illustrations for 
example pencil, watercolour and she also uses 
photoshop to edit her images and add more colour 
and also to adjust the colour levels. She builds her 
images by firstly gathering several different pictures
that she wants to make up her illustration with, 
in this case(below middle picture) she uses a photo
 of a girl, skull, antlers, and also flowers, and draws
 all of these aspects in one picture, she then adds

Colour by hand using watercolours and generally 
sticking to earthy colours such as shades of pinks,
 purples, reds and greens. Kelly then goes on to 
edit her drawings in Adobe Photoshop adjusting 
the colour to make it more vivid and also adding 
very subtle colour to the face, in this case she has 
edited the cheeks, lips, hair, and flowers and possibly
the skull as well. I love the way Kelly Smith only
adds colour to certain parts of her illustrations and 
then leaves the rest in black and white, I think this 
creates a very striking and interesting image I also 

think the way she brings in things such as the 
antlers, roses and I love the way she has made the
girls hair look like feathers, it creates a very natural 
and innocent image but at the same time a bit dark 
due to the use of the antlers and skulls. I would 
definitely like to use her style of only highlighting 
certain aspects of the image with colour in my own
illustrations, I also like the idea of not just 
showing the garment but also making more of a 
work of art by adding in items like the flowers.

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