Tuesday 1 April 2014

Mirror Repeat Pattern

Although this pattern does not represent Bauhaus (my art movement) in any way as Bauhaus is the use of geometric shapes, I really enjoyed making this pattern and am pleased with the outcome of it, I like the white and pink together. The reason this pattern does not show any relation to Bauhaus is because I needed to show a mirror repeat pattern and geometric shapes are symmetrical and therefore you wouldn't be able to see that it has been mirrored.
I found this pattern really easy to do, I firstly got my shape on a white 10cm x 10cm canvas (copy this image) and then went to canvas size and made the width 20cm but kept the height at 10cm, at this point I also set the anchor to the right and then pasted the image I then reversed this second scissor shape so they were facing back to back and placed this on the empty canvas side. Then define pattern, I then made a new document and set the measurements to 60cm witdth, lastly I filled the whole page with my pattern.
I definitely will be using this technique again as I think it gives a very effective look where as actually its extremely simple.

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