Tuesday 1 April 2014


I have enjoyed this unit immensely. We began in easy stages, and I found it straight forward to begin with. I soon found that I needed to refer to guidance notes as the technical aspect became more advanced. I do believe though that with more practice I will master all of the techniques and become proficient in all areas.

I particularly liked how easy it was to change colours in designs. This gave me a useful and quick tool to contrast colours in my design, making colour selections virtually effortless. It would be far more labour intensive if I had had to draw out the design several times over by hand to test colour contrasts.

I also liked the fabric rendering section, where images could be used from google to then wrap on my design. I liked the immediacy of the results, making it easy to trial many different designs in a short space of time.

I felt disappointed with the colour reproduction of some of the images in the blog.  They were not a true representation of what I had used on Photoshop.

Initially I had difficulty setting both the offset and the anchor for the pattern repeat exercises. However I found with practice my skills improved and by the time I completed the mirror pattern section I had no difficulty with this.

In conclusion I have really enjoyed learning these new skills and I find the application both time saving and exciting. I look forward to using this again in future projects.

Mirror Repeat Pattern

Although this pattern does not represent Bauhaus (my art movement) in any way as Bauhaus is the use of geometric shapes, I really enjoyed making this pattern and am pleased with the outcome of it, I like the white and pink together. The reason this pattern does not show any relation to Bauhaus is because I needed to show a mirror repeat pattern and geometric shapes are symmetrical and therefore you wouldn't be able to see that it has been mirrored.
I found this pattern really easy to do, I firstly got my shape on a white 10cm x 10cm canvas (copy this image) and then went to canvas size and made the width 20cm but kept the height at 10cm, at this point I also set the anchor to the right and then pasted the image I then reversed this second scissor shape so they were facing back to back and placed this on the empty canvas side. Then define pattern, I then made a new document and set the measurements to 60cm witdth, lastly I filled the whole page with my pattern.
I definitely will be using this technique again as I think it gives a very effective look where as actually its extremely simple.